Dutch Cuisine!

Dear visitors

This time a Dutch recipe for my readers abroad.

Let’s make ”hachee”.
You need:
3 onions
300 gram cooked meat (the best is cow meat and not the most expensive!)
60 gr. Butter
1-2 bay leaf

2 cloves
5dl. Diluted gravy or stock
± two table spoons of vinegar
30 gr. flour or 20 gr cornflour

Peel en chop the onions. Dice the meat. Heat the butter till brown and Sautee the onions. Add meat with bay leaf, cloves, gravy or stock and the vinegar. Bring to a boil and simmer for one hour. Make a smooth paste of the flour or cornflour with some water and thicken the cooking liquid. Remove the cloves and et bay leaf.

Eat it with mashed potatoes, and red cabbage and apple. Os simple: with fresh crispy bread.
Have a nice meal!!


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